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About us

Neuro Québec’s mission is to bring together the vital forces of the neurosciences in the Université Laval network and to coordinate and promote the development of neuroscience and mental health research, while promoting the training of the next generation in this vast field of research. know.

It currently brings together more than 100 researchers working in neuroscience at Université Laval, namely the CERVO Research Center, the CHU de Québec – Université Laval Research Centre, the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Réadaptation et Intégration Sociale (CIRRIS), the Laboratoire d’Organogénèse EXpériemntale (LOEX) and the Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec (IUCPQ).

The research activities of Neuro Québec members cover the main areas of the broad area of ​​fundamental neuroscience (neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neurophotonics) and clinical neurology (neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, pharmacology and psychiatry). It is a place of interaction and active collaboration between these researchers in these different fields so that their high-level work leads to a better understanding of the normal or pathological functioning of the brain as well as the development of effective therapies to counter diseases that affect the nervous system. The international reputation of our researchers and the fact that they supervise more than 400 research trainees make Neuro Québec a unique training environment.

Financial resources

With an average of almost $ 20 million in recognized research funding per year, an additional $ 9.65 million per year in partnership funds, as well as more than $ 26 million in Canadian Foundation’s infrastructure funding for innovation, CTRN researchers are currently very well funded. Our sources of funding are very diverse, and include the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Quebec Health Research Funds (FRQ-S) and in-kind and technologies (FRQ-NT), private foundations, international organizations such as NIH and Wings for Life. This demonstrates the ability of our researchers to obtain substantial research funds and to be competitive at the provincial, national and international levels.

Our group currently has 13 research chairs, including 10 Canada Chairs, 2 Industrial Chairs and in partnership with the private sector, and a prestigious Canada Excellence Chair.

In addition, 35.5% of our graduate students have a nominal grant from external granting agencies, which demonstrates the competitiveness of our researchers and the quality of our students. In addition, Neuro Québec has 43% foreign students from several countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia, which makes it a very rich culture.

Material resources

Because of its nature as a thematic center, Neuro Québec has no single physical location. However, the various sites that make up the center provide our researchers with access to world-class platforms that have nothing to envy to other sites around the world. Examples such as the LOEX for the creation of neurological tissue, the Neurophotonics Center for in vivo neurophysiology, the CHUL pavilion of the Research Center of the CHU of Quebec for its many colonies of transgenic mice, CERVO Research Center for its bank of human brains, from CIRRIS for its motor control assessment laboratories, demonstrate the strength of our researchers at the international level. Indeed, their ability to obtain substantial funds from the FCI, MESI and other programs has made it possible to establish very high quality laboratories in recent years.

Management Team

  • Laurent Bouyer, Director
  • Christophe Proulx, Co-Director
  • Catherine Déry, Coordinator
  • Marine R. Ihidoype, social media
  • Julie Poupart, web

Executive Committee

  • Dr. Laurent Bouyer, researcher – CIRRIS
  • Dr. Christophe Proulx, researcher – CERVO
  • Dr. Philippe Albouy, researcher – CERVO
  • Dre Caroline Ménard, researcher – CERVO
  • Dre. Jessica Deslaurier, researcher – CRCHU de Québec-UL
  • Dr. Fréréric Bretzner, researcher – CRCHU de Québec-UL
  • Dre. Shirley Fecteau, researcher – CERVO
  • Dr. François Gros-Louis, researcher – CRCHU de Québec-UL
  • Dr. Alexandre Caron, researcher – CRIUCPQ
  • Dre. Andréanne Michaud, researcher – CRIUCPQ
  • Dr. Michel-Pierre Coll, researcher – CIRRIS
  • Dylan Musiol, PhD Student, student representative

Group leaders

Student committee

  • Dylan Musiol, student representative – CRCHU de Québec-UL
  • Charles Gora and Marina Ihidoype, student representatives, CERVO
  • Nadim Fakhry, student representative, CIRRIS
  • Olivier Lavoie, Patrick Gagnon and Giada Giorgini, student representatives, CRIUCPQ

Neuro Québec in numbers

More than 100 regular members!

More than 400 students/post-docs

35,5 % of our students received scholarships

290+ peer-reviewed publications/year

Close to 20M$ in research grants per year

9,65M$ partnership grants per year

1,3 M$ in contracts per year

13 Research Chairs