Useful information
Please use this link to register. It is possible to modify your registration if you used a “” email account to register. You can also add an abstract for poster presentation, or an image for the competition.
***It is not necessary to log into the website to submit your registration, abstract, or image for the competition. However, only logged-in users can edit their registration, abstract, and competition submission. Therefore, we recommend logging in before making your submission***
To edit your submission, log in with your email: Login
Then use the following link to view your submissions: My content/My content
Contact for any access problems, or to open an account.
You can use your computer or one of the “master” computers that will be made available to you. (Neuro Québec SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: see next section)
There is a lectern on the stage from which you can operate your computer. There are HDMI wires. The lectern is equipped with a gooseneck microphone.
The projector is recent and can project in 16:9. If a 4:3 presentation is broadcast, a black bar will appear on either side of the presentation.
If you want to use the master computer, consider having your presentation on a USB key.
Upon your arrival or during breaks (depending on the time of your presentation) you will be able to contact the student responsible this year to transfer your presentation to the main computer.
Given the shorter format of your presentations (5 min) we ask you to use the “master” computer (PC) which will be made available to you.
Therefore, we ask you to send your presentation one or two days before the day to the person that wil, have been mandated or load it on the master computer before 8:30 a.m.
You can place your scientific posters in the Grand Salon or in the Atrium upon your arrival. The official reception takes place between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. If you wish, the rooms should be accessible from 7:30 a.m.
The display panels will be numbered. Check the program to find out what your poster number is: it corresponds to your abstract number. The abstracts were placed in the two rooms according to their theme. The dimensions of the posters must be 45’’ wide x 44’’ high maximum. The display is done with “Velcros” which will be provided to you on site.
This year, there will be two poster presentation sessions to allow all presenters to also have the opportunity to view their colleagues’ posters. Posters with even numbers will be presented during the first session (11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) and those with odd numbers during the second (1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.). Presenters must ensure they are present in front of their poster during their assigned session. You can leave your posters up all day but it is mandatory to remove them before 5:00 p.m. to allow the panels to be dismantled. The day will end with the awarding of prizes to the students who presented the best posters and a cocktail at the Laval University Pub.
The language of presentation is at your discretion. Some will make their presentation in French and others in English. It is possible to present in French while keeping your slides in English.
The kiosks will be placed either in the Grand Salon or in the Atrium.
A 5-foot-long tablecloth (identified with your name) and two chairs will be made available to you. An electrical outlet will also be available at the kiosk.
You can access the rooms for assembly as soon as you arrive in the morning. The official reception takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. If you wish, the rooms should be accessible from 7:30 a.m.
Visits to the booths take place at the same time as coffee breaks, poster presentations and the lunch period. You can carry out the dismantling after the last coffee break or at the end of the lectures. The rooms are accessible until 7:00 p.m.
As a member of the university community, you can have access to the eduroam wireless network.
Laval University also offers free wireless Internet service for its visitors (UL_Visiteur_Guest). You just have to accept the terms of use to log in. No user code is necessary for this access:
The event takes place on the campus of Laval University.
Here is the link to access information for visitor parking:
To access the campus via public transit