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Research Day 2020

Dear colleagues and friends,

The Centre thématique de recherche en neurosciences (CTRN) is pleased to invite you to the 13th Neuroscience Research Day at Université Laval, which will be held virtually on the REMO platform on the afternoon of November 10.

This event is intended for students, postdoctoral fellows, professors and clinicians who are members of the Université Laval network and involved in neuroscience research, as well as those interested in this area of research.

Université Laval’s 13th Neuroscience Research Day is a privileged opportunity for participants to present their research work, learn more about the work of others, meet new colleagues and establish fruitful scientific collaborations. Despite the special situation created by the pandemic, we have selected a virtual platform that will allow networking during coffee breaks and the virtual cocktail and a session of scientific “poster” presentations. Information about the platform (Remo) will be available on the website. Between now and November 10, we will create a few opportunities for you to test the platform and familiarize yourself with its interface.

The 2020 edition will certainly be special, but will essentially keep the same formula as other years and will showcase the remarkable quality of the next generation of neuroscience research at Université Laval through scientific conferences given by young researchers recently recruited to our research centers, winners of the 2020 Doctoral Excellence Awards as well as established researchers at the CTRN.


This year’s theme is neuroinflammation.  To conclude the day, we will be honored to have Dr. Staci Bilbo, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, also affiliated with the Lurie Center for Autism at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School as a guest speaker. Dr. Bilbo is a true leader in the study of neuroimmune interactions in the context of brain development. Her work in schizophrenia, autism, cognitive and mood disorders includes preclinical models and numerous collaborations with clinicians to add translational value to her research.

Registration for the Day is free but mandatory. You can register on the CTRN website until November 5, 2020.

For the poster session, detailed information is available under the “registration” tab on this website. There will be more space than in previous years but there is still a limit so register early: first come, first served! Following your registration, you will receive instructions on how to submit your abstract. You will have until October 30th to submit your abstract. Cash prizes will be awarded to the students who present the best posters!


We look forward to seeing many of you!


The Organizing Committee of the 13th Neuroscience Research Day at Université Laval :

Caroline Ménard, Jessica Deslauriers, Chantelle Sephton, Hugo Massé-Alarie, Jasna Kriz, Laurence Dion-Albert (student) and Martin Lévesque (past president)