2020 meeting platform
We have selected the REMO platform for our event.
You can visit the company’s website to learn more about the platform. Their website includes, among other things, explanatory videos, FAQs and the possibility of registering for “live” guided tours: https://remo.co/
We are also planning to create opportunities for you to come and test the platform for the event. We will communicate the dates shortly.
TO PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE EVENT, IT IS ADVISED TO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS DOCUMENT: https://remo.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Remo-Event-Guide-for-Guests-10920.pdf
This will allow you to make sure that you are using the right tools to access the platform (computer, browser, etc.) and to test that your camera and microphone are recognized by the platform. The guide also gives a good overview of the navigation tips in Remo. This will help you avoid technical problems as much as possible.
One of the reasons that led us to choose REMO is the possibility of networking. When you arrive on the platform, you will be in a virtual room similar to this one:
(Please note this image is taken from Remo website but we will be customizing the interface for our event)
You will therefore be seated at a virtual table and identified by a circle displaying your profile picture or your initials. We will invite you to fill in your profile information to facilitate networking.
Each table offers a private video conference room with the people seated at your table. You can easily move from one table to another.
We hope you will have fun living this new experience with us!
We will be adding information about platform customization for our event by November 10th.