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Instructions for abstracts submission


1. Make sure you have submitted your registration for Neuroscience Research Day 2021 (“Registrations” tab!)
2. Connect to the CTRN website:
3. Submit your abstract:



You have until November 8 to submit your abstract.


Summary instructions

The abstract and the poster can be written in French or in English.

The total length of the abstract (title, authors, abstract and spaces) is a maximum of 2500 characters.

Abstracts should not contain references or acknowledgments.


Not sure if you already have a CTRN account?

You are already registered as a CTRN member if your name appears here.


Forgot your password?

Use this link to reset it:


Are you a member of CTRN?

If you are a student or trainee of a regular member (see section of the site on members for the complete list) enrolled at l’Université Laval or a staff member reporting to one or more of our members, you are automatically a CTRN member. You can read the section “CTRN member types” for more information.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to write to


Don’t have a CTRN account?

Are you a member (student, post-doctoral intern or research professional) but do not have an account on the CTRN site?

Please click here to request an account creation.

Please note that all account requests must be approved by an administrator before activating the account and accessing the form.

During the Research Day registration period, we will try to be very quick to approve requests but please allow up to 48 hours on working days to avoid unpleasant surprises. (PS verify your spam emails if you don’t receive a confirmation after the expected delay)

It is very important to use an email address from Université Laval or your research center to create your profile. Any other email address will be ignored.

You have questions? Please contact Mireille Massouh: