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PhD Excellence Awards 2020

About the CTRN Excellence Scholarships – 2020 Edition

  • The CTRN will once again offer excellence scholarships during its May 2020 competition. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $ 12,000. The CTRN expects the research supervisor of the CTRN scolarship recipient to supplement the awarded amount to a total of $18, 000.
  • New this year: recipients of the 2020 scolarship will be able to access an additional $1000 to attend a conference or another scientific activity that must be deemed acceptable by the executive committee (e.g. summer schools, internships, etc.). To do so, recipients must submit a request to the CTRN and justify it. This activity must be carried out during the scolarship period. Also note that the scolarship form has been greatly modified to harmonize with the FRQS form and CV format. Thus, if you have already submitted a FRQS application, you will be able to use copy/paste for several sections. Otherwise, the sections can be used to prepare your next FRQS application.
  • A regular member of the CTRN may submit the candidacy of only one student for a given competition.
  • CTRN Excellence Scholarship recipients agree to present their research as part of CTRN’s annual Neuroscience Research Day.

Eligibility requirements

  • The scholarships are intended for students enrolled in a graduate program at Université Laval at the date of the competition and working under the supervision of a researcher who is a regular member of the CTRN. However, if the student is not enrolled in a PhD program at the time of application, he or she must imperatively be enrolled no later than September 1st, 2020, the deadline for starting the scholarship.
  • The CTRN Excellence Scolarship Program is primarily intended to support students in the early stages of their doctoral studies, as awarding a scolarship early in their training will provide maximum leverage with the granting agencies. This in no way excludes students who are more advanced in their graduate program, since the excellence of the research record is the overriding criterion. However, for students who have completed the 4th session of their doctoral program at the time of application, their research director must provide a written explanation (in the appropriate section of the form), detailing why they deserve the CTRN scholarship at an advanced stage of their training. No applications will be accepted after the 9th session of the doctoral program.
  • CTRN scholarships are not renewable. Subsequently, a student can only obtain an excellence scholarship once during his or her doctoral studies.
  • The CTRN grant cannot be combined with another grant (granting body, institutions, foundation, etc.)

Submission of applications

Interested applicants must submit their request by filling in the online form (by clicking on “access the form” at the bottom of this page)

To access the form, you must request a website user account:

Please use your e-mail address to register your account. Please note that all user accounts requests must be approved by an administrator before being activated.

To complete the form, you must log on to the CTRN website and identify yourself. This will allow you to save your application if you don’t complete it all at once.

You must press “submit” before May 15, 2020, at 3 p.m.

You will receive a confirmation email and a copy of your request will also be sent to your supervisor (to the email addresses submitted in the form)

You can prepare the necessary documents to complete your application by consulting this document which can be used as a checklist (also accessible via the additional information below).

If you have any questions, write to us at:

PLEASE NOTE: Only complete applications that comply with the submission instructions will be considered.


The applications phase is now closed. Thank you to all applicants.


Additional information

  • Click here to download the detailed list of information you need to complete your request
  • Information on the FRQS doctoral training scholarships and details on the documents required are available on the FRQS website.
  • For the list of your publications: Here is a document that can serve as an example. You can also consult the guidelines in the FRQS document – section 5. You do not have to make a summary table but you must use the same section titles (only the applicable sections). PS The “example” document is depersonalized and filled with “Lorem ipsum” type false text for publication titles, among others. It was created to illustrate how to justify your contributions for each publication.