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Management team

Laurent Bouyer, director

Marc Hébert, codirector

Mireille Massouh, coordinator

Julie Poupart, web


Executive Committee

Dr. André Parent, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Armen Saghatelyan, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Fréréric Calon, researcher at the CRCHU of Québec-UL

Dre. Jasna Kriz, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Laurent Bouyer, researcher at CIRRIS

Dr. Marc Hébert, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Martin Parent, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Nicolas Dupré, researcher at the CRCHU of Quebec-UL

Dre. Pascale Tremblay, researcher at the CERVO Research Center

Dr. Steve Lacroix, researcher at the CRCHU of Quebec-UL

Dre. Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert, researcher at the CRCHU of Québec-UL

Benoit Mailhot, doctoral candidate, student representative


Thematic managers

Theme 1: Aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Head: Frédéric Calon

Theme 2: Pain and Sensorimotor Control

Head: Laurent Bouyer

Theme 3: Circuitry and plasticity

Head: Martin Parent

Theme 4: Sleep Stressm and Mental Health

Head: Marc Hébert


Student Committee

Benoît Mailhot, representing the students of the CHU in neuroscience

Charline Dambreville, representing the students of CIRRIS and

Iason Keramisi, representing the CERVO students