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2023 Scholarship Competition

This contest is over. View the winners here.

Deadline (submission of application): Friday June 2nd 2023 Monday June 12th 2023 3PM
Amount: $12,000 (must be completed to a minimum of $21,000 by your director)
Announcement of resultsEnd of June End of July

CTRN Excellence Scholarships – 2023 Edition

  • Once again this year, NeuroQuébec will offer excellence scholarships during its annual competition. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $12,000. NeuroQuébec expects the research supervisor of the student who has received a NeuroQuébec scholarship to top it up to $21,000 (minimum).
  • Recipients will be able to access an additional amount of $1,000 to participate in a conference or other scientific activity that must be deemed acceptable by the management committee (eg summer schools, internships, etc.). To do this, recipients must submit a request to NeuroQuébec and justify it before the end of 2023 (the event or activity must take place in 2023).
  • Note that the scholarship form is harmonized with the FRQS form and format. So if you have already made an FRQS application, you can use copy/paste for several sections, otherwise the sections can be used to prepare your next FRQS application.
  • For a given competition, a regular member of NeuroQuébec can submit the application of only one of his students.
  • Recipients of a NeuroQuébec excellence grant undertake to present their research as part of the annual Neuroscience Research Day organized by NeuroQuébec.

Eligibility requirements

  • The scholarships are intended for students registered in a graduate program at Université Laval at the time of the competition date and working under the supervision of a researcher who is a regular member of NeuroQuébec. However, if the student was not registered in a 3rd cycle program at the time of submitting his application, he must imperatively be registered no later than September 1, 2023, the deadline for the start of the scholarship.
  • The NeuroQuébec excellence scholarship program aims above all to favor students at the beginning of their doctorate because the awarding of a scholarship early in their training will have a maximum leverage effect with granting agencies. This in no way excludes students whose background in the 3rd cycle program is more advanced, since the excellence of the research file is the criterion that takes precedence over all others. Nevertheless, for students who have passed the 4th doctoral session at the time of submitting your scholarship application, the research supervisor must explain (in the section provided for this purpose in the form) why the student deserves the scholarship.of NeuroQuébec at an advanced stage of its formation. No applications will be accepted after the 9th doctoral session.
  • NeuroQuébec scholarships are not renewable. Subsequently, a student can only obtain an excellence scholarship once during his doctoral studies.
  • The NeuroQuébec scholarship can be combined with another scholarship (granting agency, institutions, foundation, etc.), the total amount of all your scholarship need to be  25 000$ maximum (NeuroQuébec scholarship included)


Submission of applications

Interested applicants should submit their application by completing the online form below

To access the form, you must have previously created a user account on the website – You must use your email address or your research center so that your account is approved. We encourage you to do this in advance even if you are unsure whether to apply. All account requests must be approved by an administrator before activating the account and accessing the form, which can lead to a delay of up to 24-48 hours.

To complete the form, you must connect to the CTRN website and identify yourself. This will allow you to save your application if you do not complete it all at once.

You must hit “submit” by Friday June 2nd at 3 PM.

You will receive a confirmation email and a copy of your request will also be sent to your supervisor (at the email addresses submitted in the form)

You can prepare the documents necessary to complete your application by consulting this document that can serve as a checklist (also accessible via the additional information below)

If you have any questions, write to us at:

ATTENTION: Only complete files and respecting the submission instructions will be considered.


Additional information

  • Click here to download the detailed list of information you need to complete your application
  • For the list of your publications: Here is a document that can serve as an example. You can also consult the guidelines in the FRQS document – section 5 . You do not have to make a summary table but you must use the same section titles (only the applicable sections). PS The “example” document is depersonalized and filled with “Lorem ipsum” type false text for publication titles, among others. It was created to illustrate how to justify your contributions for each publication. Be careful to make the distinction between published articles, those which have been “accepted for publication or in press” and “other articles submitted to a reading committee”. For these latter categories, we ask that you include the Journal submission number, date and revision number (R1/R2) if applicable.

The information requested in this form is largely based on the FRQS forms. If you already have this information, you can simply “copy and paste” it into this form. If not, we encourage you to use this opportunity to open and/or update your FRQS file.