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Types of members


Duties of Members

Individuals who join NeuroQuébec must have read its bylaws (2024_Statuts_NeuroQC) and agree to comply with them. Members are expected to participate in the activities of the Center on a regular basis, and particularly for regular members, to attend the Members’ Assembly. It is also the responsibility of regular members to ensure that students, postdoctoral fellows, and research professionals from their respective teams who wish to become members of NeuroQuébec are properly registered as members, and to specify their arrival and departure dates, if applicable.
Members must mention their affiliation with the Center in publications resulting from work conducted as part of the Center’s scientific program (including articles, books, reports, dissertations, theses, as well as communications, conferences, and scientific posters): Department <your university department if applicable> and NeuroQuébec Center, Laval University, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada. Please note that the terms “Université Laval” must be used in both French and English.

5.2. Categories of Members

5.2.1. Regular Member

A professor or researcher with an employment relationship with Université Laval, who conducts an independent research program and devotes at least half of their research time to activities related to the Center’s scientific programming, including supervising master’s and doctoral students and trainees, is designated as a regular member of NeuroQuébec. These members contribute to the development and collaborate on the implementation of the Center’s research programming. Regular members typically hold at least one research grant as principal investigator or are in the process of securing one. In addition, these members are expected to regularly publish their research results and supervise graduate students working on topics related to the Center’s scientific programming.
In exceptional cases, a researcher may be a regular member of two recognized research centers. Members with dual affiliation must indicate this in their membership application to NeuroQuébec and provide a letter during the Center’s evaluation explaining the reasons and relevance of participating in the work of two recognized centers. Regular members have voting rights at the Members’ Assembly.

5.2.2. “Young Researcher” Member

This category refers to a professor or researcher recently recruited into the Université Laval network who, in the judgment of the Center’s management, has a highly promising research profile but does not yet meet all the criteria to become a regular member. These members are appointed for a three-year period by the Center’s Management Committee. At any time, these members may apply to become regular members if their situation evolves and they meet the necessary criteria. They enjoy the same rights and privileges as regular members, including voting rights at the Assembly.

5.2.3. Associate Member

A professor or accredited researcher (e.g., an associate professor, or an individual already a member of two recognized centers) at Université Laval, who typically holds at least one research grant or contract aligned with the Center’s scientific programming, either individually or in collaboration with a regular member of NeuroQuébec, is designated as an associate member. This category of members is not required to devote at least 50% of their research time to NeuroQuébec activities or to have an employment relationship with Université Laval. These members participate in the supervision of students and trainees.
This category also includes clinicians in hospital settings within the UL network who conduct research projects in collaboration with one or more members of the Center or have their own research programs without meeting all the requirements for regular member status.

5.2.4. Student Member

A student member of the Center is any individual enrolled in a graduate program relevant to NeuroQuébec’s scientific programming and under the supervision or co-supervision of a regular or young researcher member of the Center.
Graduate students who are officially co-supervised by a member with dual affiliation (i.e., a person who holds regular member status in two recognized research centers) may be considered as belonging to both centers.

5.2.5. Postdoctoral Research Member

A postdoctoral research member is an individual holding a Ph.D. or equivalent (such as a professional medical degree) who has embarked on acquiring additional or specialized expertise in their research field and is registered as a postdoctoral fellow or researcher at Université Laval. Postdoctoral members receive advanced research training under the supervision of a regular or associate member of NeuroQuébec. They actively participate in the Center’s activities.

5.2.6. Research Professional Member

A research professional is an individual employed through the research funds of regular or associate members to support the research and training activities of the host laboratory(ies) as part of NeuroQuébec’s research program.

5.2.7. Emeritus Member

An emeritus member of the Center is any individual who has made an outstanding contribution to NeuroQuébec’s mission or has conducted prestigious research activities related to the Center’s scientific programming.