Stress-induced sex-specific morphological and functional modifications in SST and PV interneurons in the mPFC 2023-01-19 +++
Non-biased investigation of cortico-accumbal and cortico-tegmental inputs in response to stress 2023-01-18 +++
Genome-wide characterization of alternative splicing variants across brain regions of males and females with MDD 2023-01-18 +++
Immune-related transcriptomic and epigenetic reconfiguration in microglia after LPS exposure: an omics integrative study. 2023-01-18 +++
Determine the impact of social stress on the expression of anxious-depressive-like behaviors 2021-11-01 +++
Functional dysfunctions of the corticotegmental pathway in a mouse model of chronic stress. 2021-10-30 +++
Monitoring neuronal activity in the medial prefrontal cortex using mini endoscope in freely behaving mice during chronic variable stress 2021-10-28 +++
Transcriptional dissection of symptomatic profiles across the brain of men and women with MDD 2021-10-23 +++