Exploration of the GABAergic system maturation during neurodevelopment with Digital Holographic microscopy: toward a methodology to identify cellular biomarkers of schizophrenia 2023-01-23 +++
Exploring neurodifferentiation and maturation process of iPSCs derived from schizophrenia patients with multimodal optical microscopy 2021-11-08 +++
Exploration of the GABAergic system maturation during neurodevelopment with multimodal imaging techniques: toward a methodology to identify cellular biomarkers of schizophrenia 2021-11-08 +++
Exploration of the red blood cells biomechanics with digital holographic microscopy: Towards a methodology to identify cellular phenotypes related to major psychiatric disorders 2021-11-07 +++
Les retards développementaux du transfert intermodal : vers une détection précoce de la vulnérabilité aux grandes maladies psychiatriques 2021-10-04 +++
Characterization and optimization of human iPSCs derived mixed neuronal cultures to identify with high-resolution multimodal microscopy techniques risk biomarkers of Schizophrenia. 2020-10-30 +++
Microscopie holographique numérique polychromatique : vers l’exploration de la connectivité neuronale 2020-10-16 +++